When Life Knocks You Down, How Do You Get Back Up?

It seems like this “sick season” really hit me hard.  After going through the flu in September, an unending cold throughout October, and then three weeks battling strep throat and an ear infection, I was able to acquire food poisoning last night.  This was my first time with food poisoning and if you’ve never had it before, count your blessings! It was the grossest night of my life that caused me to get 0 sleep and sprint to the bathroom not once, twice, but thirteen times in less than 10 hours.  I’ll stop there with the details but it has left me pretty weak and depleted.

I have been pondering why I have taken such a hit in the sickness department this year.  Normally I am able to resist the inevitable cough/cold/flu that everyone seems to get in the fall.  Many people have offered their advice: It’s because you eat meat again so you should go back to being vegetarian; it’s because you’re running too much so maybe you really should cut back the mileage; you go to a gym and those places are crawling in germs; you’re more susceptible to illness when you’re stressed so you need to relax.

While some of those ideas may be somewhat fallacious, they’ve made me think.  I am busy training for my marathon coming this January and have been diligently following my long runs every weekend, going the 20, 25, and 30km distances I’m called to do.  But, have the long runs been depleting my energy stores and inhibiting my body from fully recovering from my illnesses?  It’s a good theory and one my mum is currently standing behind.  She’s suggested that this weekend instead of running the 25 km I am scheduled to do on Saturday, to split it up over the weekend into a 10km and 15km run.  I’ve never changed my long runs up like this and it almost feels like I’ll be cheating a little bit, but would this be the smartest move for me in the current situation?

To be honest, I’m really not sure.  What do y’all think?   

Andddd I’m Back!

Holy moly was last week incredibly stressful!  

As some of you may already be aware of, I am currently working towards a degree in politics.  During the summer I am taking some final year courses to jump ahead and lighten my work load for next year.  So this past week I have been busy reading and preparing for my presentation I had to make to my prof.  This included hundreds of pages of reading and an intense meeting with my prof.  It was my first upperclassman presentation so I was nervous going in but I absolutely killed it and walked away with an 85%.

Unfortunately, the time I spent on my school this past week meant that I had little free time to blog.  But, I do want to let you now that I still continued fitting in workouts.

  • Tuesday: Ran 6km, hill repeats
  • Wednesday: Gym workout focussing on arms and shoulders
  • Thursday: Gym workout focussing on abs and back
  • Friday: Gym workout focussing on legs
  • Sunday: Half marathon Race (will post a recap)

I am back now and my school load is pretty light now until July when my term papers come due.  Today I hope to post the details of my gym workouts and lifting schedules, as well as post a race recap from my half marathon race this past sunday.  

I hope Y’all have stuck with me and forgive me for my long absence.

Live fit and free!